Children's Ministry
We endeavor to be the spiritual construction site for your family. As the church, we function like a tool box. As you seek to build your children into what God desires of them, we will endeavor to supply the tools you need to accomplish the task.

Our Sunday Morning Schedule...
Sunday school and Nursery are available beginning at 9 am each Sunday. Worship begins at 10:15 am and we encourage parents to keep their children involved as much as possible in the Family environment that Worship provides. Singing and hearing God’s Word is essential in their spiritual building. However, as we all know, not every child is ready for that environment all at once. We do offer a Nursery for ages newborn – 3 years old. we also offer WeeChurch (lovingly known as TaterTots!) for children 3 – 5 years old. Both are staffed with qualified children’s workers who will love and care for your children while you are attending the main services. You can be assured that while you focus on the Word in the sanctuary, your children also will be nurtured in the Word a with Bible stories, crafts and music, all aimed at laying the foundation you will need to build on as they grow.
Our Sunday Evening and Wednesdays...
Sunday Afternoons, during adult and Teen Bible study, the children from K-6th grade can enjoy Mission Journey Kids in the lower level of the Sanctuary and Children’s Choir practice. Mission Journey Kids is geared toward teaching our children about mission work here in the US and throughout the world. Children learn about different avenues Christians use to share the Gospel with our own people and other nations. Besides teaching, the children work on projects to auction off that help raise funds for missions here locally and in the US.
Wednesday evenings during the school year we offer AWANA for ages 2 through the 12th grade. For more information on AWANA, please visit our AWANA page. During the summer months there are children’s classes offered during Adult Bible study beginning at 5 pm.
"On the wall in the church's sanctuary is a statement that says, "We believe in the family and church partnership in reaching the next generation for Christ." The Christ centered home is God's design. here at Bethlehem we seek to provide solid biblical teaching and ministries that support our families as they reach their children for Christ."

Pastor Mark Bass